A price you can't beat (for now) 💰

A price you can't beat (for now) 💰

A price you can't beat (for now) 💰




Unlimited Coaching Models

Custom Strategies

Create Your Own CM

Tennis, Pickleball, Golf

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Unlimited Coaching Models

Custom Strategies

Create Your Own CM

Tennis, Pickleball, Golf

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Unlimited Coaching Models

Custom Strategies

Create Your Own CM

Tennis, Pickleball, Golf

Get beta access

We are in beta, but we do plan on charging. Currently, we are planning on the pricing tier plan below: $0/mo - Beginner Plan - One coach model, 10 player analysis reports $25/mo - Competitor Plan - unlimited coaching models, unlimted analysis $50/mo - Coach Plan - make specific coaching models for your individual players If you have feedback on our planned pricing structure before we start charging, please reach out! Text me at +1 (205) 919-7001 or email at kngf222@gmail.com. - Brian Akhtar, founder of Strategycoach.ai